Company news
Financial reporting schedule for year 2011
During the year 2011, Nokian Tyres plc will publish the year 2010 Financial Statement Bulletin and three Interim Reports as follows:
The 2010 Financial Statement Bulletin, Wednesday 9 February, 2011
Interim Report, 1st quarter 2011, Friday 6 May, 2011
Interim Report, 2nd quarter 2011, Friday 5 August, 2011
Interim Report, 3rd quarter 2011, Friday 4 November, 2011
The Annual General Meeting of Nokian Tyres plc is tentatively scheduled for Thursday 7 April, 2011 at 4 p.m.
The 2010 Annual Report will be available on Nokian Tyres home pages, on Thursday 17 March, 2011 at the latest.
Nokian Tyres plc
Anssi Mäki
Communications Manager
Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, media and